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Review of JRC report on energy consumption in data centres and broadband communication networks in the EU 2023

Blog | March 1, 2024

Review of JRC report on energy consumption in data centres and broadband communication networks in the EU 2023

Data Centre

EU estimates 45-65 TWh of electricity in 2022 (between 1.8-2.6% total energy). Colocation and Hyperscale account for 65% of the total. Enterprise the ...

Review of JRC report on energy consumption in data centres and broadband communication networks in the EU 2023

Review of policy development on energy efficiency of data centres

Blog | Feb. 19, 2024

Below is a brief review of the IEA’s Energy Efficient End-Use Equipment Technology Collaboration Programme Electronic Devices & Networks Annex.

Its aims were:
  • To provide an overview of policies to increase energy efficiency of data centres and to oblige rep...

Review of policy development on energy efficiency of data centres

Interact publishes research in International Conference on Green Energy, Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Technologies 2023 (ICGEST 2023)

Blog | Jan. 24, 2024

The GHG Protocol lacks circular economy incentivisation.

When it comes to the letter of the law the GHG Protocol doesn’t account for the benefits of re-use and product life extension. It encourages multi-stakeholder processes to develop guidance but doesn’t explicitly cater ...

Interact publishes research in  International Conference on Green Energy, Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Technologies 2023 (ICGEST 2023)

Interact publishes in IEEE Journal of Sustainable Computing

Blog | Nov. 24, 2023

Interact publishes in IEEE Journal of Sustainable Computing – Impact of temperature on data centre and server efficiency and performance.


The IEEE Journal of Sustainable Computing is in the top 5% of all academic journals published worldwide. We have published in ...

Interact publishes in IEEE Journal of Sustainable Computing

Interact confirmed as B Corp and EcoVadis Silver Rating

Blog | Nov. 13, 2023

Another important strand of Interact’s sustainability strategy has been achieved this month with the confirmation of Interact as a B Corp and also receiving our EcoVadis Silver rating (rated top 25% of all sustainable businesses). We went through the process last year and received...

Interact confirmed as B Corp and EcoVadis Silver Rating