Our Insights

Interact Launch Reaches Industry, Business and Local News

Blog | Jan. 14, 2021

Interact is a unique software tool that enables data centre managers to limit CO2 emissions, reduce their carbon footprint, and generate cost savings. The tool produces innovative, scientific and cost-effective recommendations for businesses across the UK. The Interact team was proud to officiall...

Interact Launch Reaches Industry, Business and Local News

How machine learning helped calculate server energy consumption

Blog | Dec. 16, 2020

Without a doubt, machine learning has transformed data centres. It has helped immensely in increasing energy efficiency and reducing carbon footprint by autonomously adjusting cooling systems, analysing IT infrastructure to determine how to best utilise resources, and generating recommendations f...

How machine learning helped calculate server energy consumption

Results of Interact analysis of 35 rack data centre

Blog | Dec. 11, 2020

One of the most exciting phases of product development is seeing the product work in a real-life situation for the first time. November 2020 was that moment for Interact. A thirty-five rack data centre asked for analysis of their current estate with recommended refresh scenarios. With simple info...

Results of Interact analysis of 35 rack data centre

Supporting Government moves towards zero carbon

Blog | Dec. 10, 2020

In July 2020, I was in the privileged position to provide oral evidence to the Environmental Audit Committee in Westminster for the enquiry into electronic waste and the circular economy.

Having spent three years pulling apart data on the material and carbon cost of servers, it was a ch...

Supporting Government moves towards zero carbon

Interact Team achieve IEMA Circular Economy Award success

Press Release | Dec. 10, 2020

The team behind Interact, a smart software tool that helps data centres increase energy efficiency, decrease costs and reduce the environmental impact of their IT hardware, celebrated an IEMA award today for circular economy.

The award recognised the work done to optimise energy ef...

Interact Team achieve IEMA Circular Economy Award success